Changes For A New Generation of Citizens. The World is shifting... Can Waco
Monday, March 6, 2023
Unclaimed Property Website Information
Monday, February 27, 2023
It's Been A Minute (Actually around 6,714,781 and counting)
I shared this Changes Blog with my cousin this weekend, and as a result, I was moved to get back to work. OK citizens...
My parents are at minus 2 years and counting from their 80's. They are divorced but amicable. My sister and I have been discussing what to "do" with them as they continue to lurch toward less and less independence. Neither my sister nor I have wealth. We will certainly not inherit wealth from our parents. Listen to Papa Was A Rolling Stone, cause yes all he will leave us is "alo-onn-oneee!" My mother has even less than my father, so here we are at one of the largest wealth transfers in modern history, and these babyboomers have nada. Waco's poverty rate.
I recently applied for a business loan through a credit union in town in hopes of financing a duplex for my parents. I was denied because I did not have enough income. The loan would only take into consideration 43% of my income. Because I am already a home owner, I could not apply for a 2nd home mortgage, but only a business loan. I am not trying to get into Real Estate. I am however trying to avoid the high cost of elder care.
State | Semiprivate | Private |
Texas | $5,125 | $7,092 |
Utah | $7,178 | $9,125 |
After going back and forth with the loan agent, who was a peach, she finally recommended another person at another bank who might be able to help. I in turn contacted this individual and will be meeting with them on March 6th, 2023. The loan we will discuss is called the Family Opportunity Mortgage. Fannie Mae Rocks... also my mom's name is Fannie Mae.
By the numbers-, dollars, not seconds this time...
2 people for 10 years at 5000.00 combined equals 600,000. This amount is about the same with institutional care or home health care 3 days a week 8hrs a day. I figure we could build on the vacant lot in Waco, Tx. where our childhood home once was for about 220,000.00. Can We say money well spent, wealth established and not transferred to some nursing home or home health care, and a place "in place" where I myself can be put out to pasture. I would never see the 600k going the elder care route, but the 220k would be us leaving a legacy.
We shall see how this goes.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Power and Influence
Simon Johnson, James Kwak On 'Bill Moyers Journal' (VIDEO): 13 Bankers Authors Explain Financial Crisis, Reform Effort
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
PC Mike Website
This is a great site for pc software protection and update information. Check it out citizens.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Sides A SideDish Restaurant Concept

My sister and I often discuss businesses we'd like to see opened or open ourselves if we had the finances. Driving around town tonight, I was in the mood for just some side dishes.
Usually the local grocer or Walmart deli has a selection of interesting prepared sides. Also, typical fast food restaurants and buffet places offer nice selections. My concern is always pricing. Places like Souper Salad are nice, but often times have pretty high prices. SIDES would be less expensive and will offer sauces as well. These sauces would come from around the world. We would also offer water alternatives so our customers will not have to consume the Waco tap water.
Any citizen willing to put this concept into effect... go for it. Let's see this change.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Mayor Cory Booker article- Listen Waco
I have longed to see viable changes and recognizable investments in greater Waco across the board, but not such visions or visionary leadership has emerged that impacts under served communities. We have a green Chamber staffed in leadership areas by a few from other parts of the country, not locals. What this translates into is an understanding about Wacoans that may be narrowly restricted to those who have and not so much those who have not.
The 2000 Census showed that the median income for a household in the city of Waco is $26,264, and the median income for a family is $33,919. Males have a median income of $26,902 versus $21,159 for females. The per capita income for the city is $14,584. 26.3% of the population and 19.3% of families are below the poverty line. Out of the total population, 30.9% of those under the age of 18 and 13.0% of those 65 and older are living below the poverty line. Recent statistics have shown a dramatic shift, but just use these stats for now... If an average household of three is 30,000 dollars annually and $27, 465 is the national average for families of 3 considered low income level, then Waco has a little work it can do.
I consider Waco to be the dog riddled with mange. There are pockets of visual improvement where ointment (funding) has been applied, but lots of areas of blight, and little opportunity from many. When Jack-of-all-Trades becomes one of the leading employment outlets, we have a problem. When Title Loan Company are popping up all over town, we have a problem. When more citizens are using quick cash places than banks and savings and loans, we have a problem. Clearly an educated, well-employed, and socially adept community would not and should not have all these signs of illegitimacy around it.
There are organizations attempting to create improved lifestyles such as CDC (Waco Community Development) and Mission Waco-, one has a great aesthetic approach, the other not so much. One draws from within, while the other seems to draw outsiders to it. However, diversity of employment, training opportunities, and outreach is often "out of the reach" of those who could benefit most.
Many other organizations are attempting to affect change in Waco; however, without a focused community effort, the city will continue to shift its borders south and west, leaving many of its indigenous people wallowing in the mange of poverty and lack as access. Citizens who have inclusive visions should step up soon before we continue to slid further and further into a divided, class-conscious "Greater Waco".
Monday, March 30, 2009
WALGREEN'S take care clinics- Not in Waco
Stores currently offering TCC in Texas are mainly in Houston with one in Austin.
Citizens, let's see if Waco has the economy to warrant this change. Let's grow.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Why did Schlotzsky's cross the road?

So why did Schlotzsky cross the road? To get to the Dickey's lot...
Reported by Mike Copeland 3/29/2009 in Sunday's Waco Trib Business Section 9A